Monday, August 25, 2008

Replacement action

Last week I did again two 50 km morning rides. I had planned to do a long ride (100 km +) on Sunday, but the weather wasn't favourable, and I wasn't feeling masochistic enough, so I didn't go. Instead, I ran my first half marathon. Or more precisely, according to Google Maps, the route was about 23 km long.

The exercise you get when running differs from the exercise you get when bicycling somewhat. When riding a bike, it's easy to wear yourself out totally by going too fast. Nevertheless, you can still ride for tens of kilometres even though you're nearly exhausted. Running doesn't wear you out totally just as easily, but it is harder on your leg muscles and joints.

Yesterday I was barely out of breath while and after running 20 km, but my legs, especially my left knee, began to ache considerably. I suspect that my cardiovascular and respiratory systems would permit me to run a marathon even instantly, but my legs wouldn't co-operate. Well, there's a long, dreary winter coming up, during which I'll have plenty of time to strengthen my legs. Running the Stockholm Marathon might be a good objective...

Distance: 23 km
Time: 2:20
Avg: 9.9 km/h

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